Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Protecting Dogs from cold and holidays

Dear Friends,

Welcome back! Today we are going to discuss how to protect your pets from the cold and holidays. It may seem like a simple issue, but it's very important.

1) make sure your pet has shelter. This doesn't mean a place to sleep. It means a play with warmth, protection from the elements, and comfort items. You can use a heat lightbulb to help your dog stay warm, as well as provide a blanket for your favorite puppy. This will ensure that the snow and elements don't cause the pup to suffer. Some people choose to get the puppy cloths, that's completely optional and up to you. I personally don't take it that far. Second, make sure it's closed off on sides that would be effected by the wind. Remember, the more you close it off, the better the heat will stay in one place. You want to protect that pup!

2) Even if you LOVE chocolate, it can kill your dog. Please, don't feel your pup human treats. things like chocolate and candy can kill your dog. Puppies don't need caffeine or sugar. It will make them sick and give them anxiety.. now that's not a pleasant treat. Instead, buy them puppy treats and doggy items for their stockings.

3) Watch the gifts! Don't get this children's toys to chew. They have small pieces that could break off and seriously hurt the dog! Instead, give them bones, chew toys.

It's all common sense really, but people often do things without thinking. Usually, it's the puppy who pays the price. So, that's why my blog today is here to remind you that it's important for everyone to have a fun and safe holiday! Protect your puppy and give appropriate gifts and treats!

test phrase
The contrived tree rends a healthy workload.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Welcome to Dog Breeding with the Motivated Mommy!

Welcome Friends,

This blog is dedicated to wonderful canine species. We will expl0re questions and issues that real dog owners face every day. This will include which puppy products work and which don't! Training techniques, and of course.. breeding (which will be handled in a tasteful yet informative manner). Of course, I always welcome questions and comments from readers, as I value your opinion. You are the reason I blog.

Let's get started. Our first blog is about puppy play dates!

We love our dogs like children! To us, they are big slobbery babies that give us more love and attention than we get from humans. We only want the best for them. When we go to work, we worry about their loneliness. When we're at home, we wonder if they wish they had pup friends. That's usually when we decide to search for a pup mate for our puppy to play with .. either weekly or bi weekly. It's a doggy socialization program. But, who is the right friend for our dog. There are lots of issues to consider!

Does your Pups potential friends have all his/her shots.
- Let's face it, you wouldn't let a human baby hang around germy places unprotected! Why would you put your dog at risk. A dog who doesn't have his/her shots runs a risk of having things like parvo. If you get parvo in your yard, it can last for YEARS! (and make your pet very ill). Plus, if an owner doesn't care enough to get their pets the proper care.. like shots.. are they the type of owners you want around your dog? Seriously, it's important to consider!

Where should they meet?
- You need a good old fashion dog park, tennis court, or some form of neutral territory. Why? For lots of reasons. #1) Then, no one dog is the alpha because neither dog is on his/her home turf #2) Germs!!! A yard you don't know could have parvo, be over run with poop, or various other nasty things like heart worms. Just not a good thing! #3) Because humans need to meet in neutral places too. If you don't know this person. It's for your safety as much as the dogs to meet in a neutral spot!

What to bring!
- Of course, there is the obvious water, food, and treats. But, you also need a leash in case either dog shows aggression and you need a fast exit or a way to control the situation! Also, don't take your dog's toys from home. You wouldn't let your friends suck on your cell phone.. your dog doesn't want to share either.

Who to mix?
- A tiny toy poodle might not be the best option for a great Diane. So, consider size of dog. Mentality of dog (which dogs tend to get along as well as the AKC). Also, temperament. If your dog doesn't like males then don't choose a male. Matching personalities helps a lot!

Well friends, take my advice and your pup's play time will be safe and fun! Keep reading, we'll explore more pet related issues in coming blogs. I plan to blog daily. Bye for now.